S.O. Tech Riflemen's Chest Rig

I picked up this rig about two weeks ago, since I was tired of putting mags in my pockets. It cost $185 and is a S.O. Tech Riflemen's Chest Rig. It will hold 4 mag pouches that will hold 3 m4/m16 pouches, or 2 m14/g3 mags. It also has 2 utility pouches on each side, that are large enough to hold a nalgene. All pouches are held with velcro and heavy duty plastic clips.


Well, for $185, I was expecting quality, and I was not disappointed. It was is rough and tough to the touch, and I doubt it is possible to rip. Seriously, at all. All the stitching is doubled, and all the plastic clips are great. On to the rest


Upon Putting the rig on, I was shocked at how comfortable it was. I have tried on vests, and Load bearing harnesses, but this just felt right. The shoulders evenly distribute all the weight, as well as being padded.


It held my 4 hi caps fine, with room to spare. I also put a nalgene in one pocket, and fit 2 full bags of bbs in the other. Still having two mag pouches empty, I put a speedloader in one, and had another fully empty mag pouch. A good excuse to get 2 more hicaps, but anyway. The pouches are easy to open in combat, only thing is the clips can be awkward to close under fire. That's where the Velcro comes in handy, making up for the lack of time to close clips.When running it does move a bit, but I think that's because I didn't have it tightened enough. Only other thing is I had a little trouble getting the m14 mags out, because the pouches are tight. Since I didn't have a dump pouch, I had to fit them back in some how. One of my future purchases will be a dump pouch.

In conclusion Good solid rig, highly recommended for anyone who does'nt really need modular. I would buy S.O. Tech products in the future, and also want to reccomend optactical.com for fast shipping and a good selection.

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